Thursday 25 August 2011

Memartabat saintis muda tempatan


UNIVERSITI sebagai sebuah menara gading mempunyai tanggungjawab besar untuk memacu perkembangan ilmu demi kebaikan masyarakat dan negara. Bagi memastikan ilmu yang ditimba sentiasa relevan dengan perkembangan semasa, pelbagai usaha perlu digerakkan termasuk melalui penyelidikan sains dan teknologi angkasa.

Himpunan Saintis Muda Malaysia 2011 (MYSA 2011) yang dianjurkan Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) baru-baru ini merupakan inisiatif untuk memperkasa budaya penyelidikan saintis dan angkasa di institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA).

MYSA 2011 menjadi medan dalam usaha menyatukan siswazah daripada pelbagai bidang sains IPT yang berazam untuk menjadi saintis terulung pada masa hadapan.
Program MYSA 2011 yang bertemakan 'Saintis Muda Malaysia Ke Arah Pembangunan Mampan' merupakan program kerjasama USIM dengan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, Akademi Sains Malaysia (ASM) dan Yayasan Angkasawan Malaysia.

Kini, bidang penyelidikan sains dan teknologi merupakan satu agenda penting dalam pengajian tinggi negara. Ia dilihat sebagai satu anjakan paradigma untuk mempergiatkan lagi usaha melahirkan saintis muda yang berkebolehan dalam prospek profesion saintis dan seterusnya merangka transformasi pembangunan akademik angkasa negara.
Menurut Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, KPT berusaha untuk melaksanakan projek agenda kritikal melalui Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (PSPTN) yang menjadi asas kepada pembangunan pengajian tinggi menjelang 2020.

Usaha murni ini adalah komitmen KPT dalam menjayakan transformasi pengajian tinggi negara ke arah pembentukan dan penghasilan modal insan yang berkualiti di Malaysia.
PSPTN merupakan satu anjakan ke arah mempertingkatkan pembangunan modal insan demi memperkasakan pengajian tinggi dengan meletakan asas yang kukuh dalam meningkatkan keupayaan pengetahuan dan inovasi negara.

Program MYSA 2011 menjadi tumpuan kepada rata-rata penyelidik saintis muda di IPT dan apa yang menarik, program kali ini buat julung kalinya mempamerkan hasil penyelidikan dalam bidang sains dan teknologi angkasa.
MYSA 2011 mempamerkan program dan kertas kerja penyelidikan angkasa dan kajian yang dilakukan oleh penyelidik dari ASM dalam bidang-bidang seperti angkasa dan saintis.

Salah seorang pelajar Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM), Mohamad Yusrin Yahaya berkata, jika selama ini, bidang sains angkasa dilihat sebagai bidang sampingan berbanding sains dan teknologi, MYSA 2011 dilihat membuka peluang kepada mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan kesedaran mahasiswa dalam mewujudkan jaringan kerjasama bakal saintis muda di negara ini
"Idea-idea himpunan 100 mahasiswa IPT dapat dijelmakan dalam bentuk produk seperti hasil penyelidikan bidang sains dan teknologi angkasa untuk digunakan bagi agensi kerajaan mahupun swasta menambah baik dasar-dasar mahupun polisi yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan angkasa negara.

"Galakan seharusnya diberikan kepada penyelidikan bidang sains angkasa kepada mahasiswa universiti dan sebenarnya boleh digunakan dalam pembentukan dasar kerajaan," katanya.
Himpunan MYSA 2011 mewakili 20 buah IPT untuk menjalin hubungan dengan industri termasuk melalui aktiviti padanan perniagaan. Menerusinya, kedua-dua pihak boleh berinteraksi secara terus seperti ketika sesi pembentangan.

Selain itu, turut diadakan program Amazing Scientist Race dan Cruise Ride Putrajaya
MAHASISWA dan mahasiswi institusi pengajian tinggi seluruh negara bergambar kenangan dalam menjayakan Himpunan Saintis Muda Malaysia 2011 yang diadakan di Hotel Equatorial, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, baru-baru ini.

Problematic Software Courts Disaster, Says ICT Expert

By Kuah Guan Oo
Pix by Saliman Leman


BANGI, 21 Feb. 2011 – Software with problems can cause disaster if they are not detected, tested and rectified in a framework of quality certification, says an ICT expert here today.

Prof Dr Aziz Deraman, who is the Vice Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), said softwares, like humans, are always exposed to diseases like heart attack which can be prevented if it is detected early.

He cited the case of the “SCUD vs Patriot” missiles during the Gulf War where 20 American soldiers were killed and 100 others injured when their Patriot guided missile missed hitting the Iraqi’s SCUD missile as an example where software with problems had brought about disasters.

An arithmetic rectification found that the time calculated for the Patriot to hit the SCUD was 0.34 seconds late and that even though corrections had been made earlier, it was not done to all its programming codes, said Prof Dr Aziz when delivering his inaugural professorial lecture titled “In Search for Quality Software”.

In the case of the rocket launcher Ariane 5 disaster in June 1996, the rocket exploded 40 seconds after take-off because the software specifications for Ariane 4 were used for Ariane 5 when the specifications of the two rockets were different.

“Pre-launch tests on the software were not conducted until the actual launch,” said Prof Dr Aziz who had served in UKM in various capacities for 28 years, including as Dean of the Faculty of Information Science and Technology before he was appointed Vice Chancellor of UMT last year.

He said with the ever-growing dependence on software, the challenges for research in search of quality software were to safeguard the harmony between the software and users; to detect software “illnesses” before disasters strike and to face the situation of attempting to measure the unmeasurable.

But the biggest challenge in the search for quality software was to try to measure the software because “we cannot control what we cannot measure”.

For this reason, several approaches had been developed to try to measure the quality of software such as quantitative values to explain a certain phenomenon; matrix size of the software which is getting less and less relevant and user evaluation that is directed at only external factors and matrix as a measurement of “quality software”. 

Prof Aziz, who had held the post of Deputy Director of the UKM Computer Centre, said the approach they had used to evaluate the software quality of the university’s  Centre for Information Technology was based on “Goal/Question/Matrix” or GQM which is a technique to identify the important matrix in the lifespan of the software. .

This approach could lead to the certification of the software by a third party similar to ISO certification, said Prof Dr Aziz who was born at di Kampong Tok ku, Cabang Tiga Kuala Terengganu in 1959.

He had his primary education at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pusat Cabang Tiga Kuala Terengganu and secondary education at Sekolah Menengah Sains Pahang before doing his matriculation at Sekolah Alam Shah.

He was offered a place to do medicine at UKM but he switched to Computer Science where he graduated with his first degree in 1982. He obtained his Masters from Glasgow University in 1984 and his PhD from UMIST Manchester in 1992.

Apart from his lectures and research works and publications, Prof Aziz is also active with organisations outside the campus where he had served as advisor, panel member and consultant in ICT. He has to date supervised 37 Master students and 20 PhD candidates.

UMP lancar Pusat Perniagaan ICT

Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim (tengah) melancarkan ICT Business Centre di UMP, Gambang, Kuantan, baru-baru ini.


KUANTAN 9 Ogos - Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) melancarkan Pusat Perniagaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (Pusat Perniagaan ICT) sebagai usaha meningkatkan perkongsian ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam bidang itu dengan masyarakat setempat.

Dengan penubuhan pusat itu, UMP akan terus memacu kecemerlangan dalam bidang ICT sebagai salah satu inisiatif untuk meletakkan universiti berkenaan di persada antarabangsa.

Naib Canselor UMP, Prof. Datuk Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim berkata, penubuhan Pusat Perniagaan ICT itu akan mengkomersialkan produk dan perkhidmatan ICT, termasuk semua sumber yang ada di Pusat Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (PTMK) dan Fakulti Sistem Komputer dan Kejuruteraan Perisian (FSKKP) di universiti itu.

Selain itu, pusat berkenaan akan dapat melaksanakan pencapaian Pelan Strategik UMP dalam merangka bidang keberhasilan utama universiti bagi menjana kelestarian kewangan.
''UMP mempunyai tenaga pakar ICT berpengalaman lebih 10 tahun dan usaha ini membolehkannya berkongsi ilmu dan kemahiran dengan organisasi lain khususnya institusi pendidikan dalam dan luar negara,
''Sumber ICT termasuk pelbagai jenis pelayan (server), jaringan (network), kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) dan pelbagai peralatan ICT yang terdapat di UMP," katanya ketika merasmikan pusat itu di Dewan Astaka, UMP kampus Gambang dekat sini, baru-baru ini.

Hadir sama, Dekan Pusat Bahasa Moden dan Sains Kemanusiaan, Prof. Dr. Abdul Jalil Borham; Dekan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia dan Sumber Asli, Prof. Dr. Jailani Salihon; Pengarah Urusan UMP Holding, Nasirudin Nasrun dan Pengarah Urusan pusat perniagaan itu, Prof. Madya Dr. Wan Maseri Wan Mohd.,
Daing Nasir mengharapkan penubuhan pusat itu mampu merealisasikan hasrat universiti bagi menjana pendapatan selaras dengan Pelan Stategik UMP 2011-2015.

''Antara perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan di pusat ini ialah khidmat konsultansi dan produk ICT kepada organisasi luar melibatkan institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT), pusat latihan dan jabatan kerajaan serta menjayakan konsep outsourcing yang diperkenalkan kerajaan," jelasnya.
Sementara itu, Wan Maseri berkata, penubuhan pusat itu bukan sahaja memberi manfaat kepada staf jabatan PTMK malah, melibatkan semua warga universiti.

Secara tidak langsung ujarnya, ia akan mewujudkan budaya kerja korporat selain melahirkan lebih ramai perunding mengikut kepakaran pensyarah yang ada di universiti itu.
Katanya, pelajar turut mendapat manfaat dengan diberi peluang menjalani latihan industri dan terlibat dalam memasarkan produk ICT

ICT Services


R&D SerindIT.Com helps the government, public and private sectors in the drive for education and training to their professionals in developing their skills in ICT. While offering affordable ICT education programmes to these people of all ages and backgrounds, R&D SerindIT.Com also provides activities to introduce ICT applications to these groups, with the main purpose of bridging the knowledge gap amongst them considering their different ages and social/educational backgrounds. In doing so R&D SerindIT.Com continually develops programs designed to increase ICT awareness and promote the use of ICT in bridging the digital gap between rural and urban areas.

With the introduction of new methodologies in training, R&D SerindIT Com believes it can achieve the transformation of traditional workers into knowledge workers. Needless to say that the future prosperity of Malaysia rests in the ability to remain competitive and to win the challenges brought about by the economic transformation from a production-based economy (p-economy) to a knowledge-based economy (k-economy). This new economic phenomenon together with the onset of globalization will certainly raise many new challenges that confront the nation, our companies and our workers.

The fact that k-economy is based on the exploitation of knowledge and brings with it many new tools and concepts. We therefore need to undergo the process of learning and relearning. We would need to relearn some concepts, which may have been modified by technology and more importantly to unlearn those concepts that worked well in the p-economy but will work against us in the k-economy.

The responsibility to transform existing traditional workers into a new breed of knowledge workers has been entrusted onto human resource practitioners and trainers. They are to ensure that Malaysian companies staffed by knowledge-workers, remain globally competitive.

Software Application & Development

R&D SerindIT.Com is focused on software development related to the usage of ICT to address the business concerns of organizations such as development of applications, databases, enterprise portal, e-business, mobile and wireless computing. Our goal is to help those organizations improve and enhance their businesses by providing professional advice and solutions to the questions that affect their organizations, people and also the future.

1.Supply & assembling PC trainingKementerian Pengajian Luar Bandar dan Wilayah (KPLB)-Fasa 1 & Fasa 2
2.Lab privatizationUniversiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
3.Universiti Information system developmentUniversiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USM)
4.Data Warehouse development systemMinistry of Higher Education (MOHE)
5.Information system developmentJabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional
6.E-perjawatan system developmentUniversiti Sains Islam Malaysia


Secara umumnya Pusat Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi adalah jabatan yang merancang serta melaksanakan program-program ICT universiti. Pusat Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi telah diwujudkan untuk menyokong penggunaan ICT dalam menjalankan fungsi akademik dan pentadbiran universiti. Peranan utamanya antara lain adalah:
  • Mengadakan prasarana dan kemudahan bagi menyokong aktiviti pengajaran, pembelajaran, penyelidikan dan pentadbiran.
  • Membangun dan menyenggara sistem maklumat berkomputer universiti.
  • Membangun dan menyenggara sistem rangkaian komunikasi kampus
  • Menyenggara dan membaikpulih peralatan komputer mikro dan pencetak.
  • Menyedia khidmat pakar runding dalam bidang teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
  • Membantu membudayakan penggunaan teknologi maklumat di Universiti.
  • Melaksanakan tugas-tugas lain yang diarahkan oleh Pihak Berkuasa Universiti.

Teknologi fahami variasi manusia

TEKNOLOGI komputer semakin pesat berkembang di negara ini. Kini, pada abad ke-21, pakar-pakar komputer dari seluruh dunia sudah mampu menghasilkan pelbagai aplikasi untuk pelbagai tujuan.
Pengkomputeran terkini seperti teknologi sentient (berperasaan) juga telah mula diperkenalkan, bukan sahaja di hospital-hospital malah dalam kehidupan seharian.

Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi terkini, baru-baru ini 99 pelajar Kolej Cybernetics menjayakan Program Pengumpulan Data Penyelidikan (Craniofacial Anthropometry) di Dewan Aktiviti Kolej Teknologi Antarabangsa Cybernetics bersama Fakulti Pergigian Universiti Malaya.

Penasihat Kelab Kreatif dan Penerbitannya, Abdul Razak Sulaiman berkata, program itu telah meningkatkan pengetahuan pelajar mengenai kepentingan bidang seperti perubatan dan animasi berkomputer.

"Kepentingan yang utama adalah dalam bidang perubatan untuk tujuan pembedahan craniofacial.
"Dalam kajian dan teknologi pengumpulan maklumat ini, pelajar diberi tumpuan ke atas menghasilkan reka bentuk dan prototaip bagi sistem perolehan imej-stereo untuk kegunaan perolehan data craniofacial," katanya.

Sistem itu terdiri daripada objek kawalan bingkai, kerusi khas, pelantar kamera dengan enam buah kamera digital dan dua rojektor.
Projektor digunakan untuk memaparkan titik-titik ke atas muka manusia dan membantu dalam proses pengukuran.
Bagi tujuan pemprosesan, Digital Video Plotter (DVP) digunakan untuk melakukan pemprosesan imej-stereo secara 3D.

Abdul Razak berkata, antropometry merujuk kepada pengukuran individu manusia untuk mengetahui variasi fizikal manusia.

"Kini antropometry berperanan penting dalam bidang perancangan industri, perancangan pakaian, ergonomik, dan arsitektur serta dimensi tubuh dari suatu populasi diperlukan untuk menghasilkan produk yang optimal," katanya.


UKM Technology Sdn. Bhd. (UKMT) combines the activities of technology transfer, company incubation and investment. UKMT provides services to help academic researchers commercialise new technologies discovered at UKM. It licenses patents and know-how to other companies to be commercially exploited, and it also helps creates start-up companies to capitalise on new discoveries.
The services include:
  1. technology sourcing
  2. commercial property management
  3. market analysis
  4. formation of new University technology-based start-up companies
  5. technology licensing
  6. incubation services and space
  7. investment and venture capital

Brief History of the Evolution of the School of Industrial Technology

The School commenced with the establishment of the School of Applied Sciences, which offered the Bachelor of Applied Sciences (BAppSc) programme in 1973. Three programmes were offered at the beginning, i.e. : Electronic Science and Technology, Food Science and Technology and Polymer Science and Technology. During the 1974/1975 academic session, a fourth programme, i.e. Mineral Science and Technology was introduced. The fifth programme, i.e. Computer Science and Technology was introduced in the 1979/1980 academic session.On 7th August 1984, the School of Applied Sciences was renamed as the School of Engineering Sciences and Industrial Technology. In line with this change, the curriculum was also modified to meet the requirement of engineering and industrial technology courses. Bachelor of Applied Science (BAppSc) was replaced by Bachelor of Engineering (BEng.) and Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech).
During the 1986/1987 session, the School of Engineering Sciences and Industrial Technology were separated. The School of Industrial Technology remained in the main campus, Penang while the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering moved to Perak Branch Campus.

Beginning with the 2001/2002 academic session, the Polymer Technology Programme and Quality Control & Instrumentation Programme moved to the USM Branch Campus in Sri Ampangan, Nibong Tebal. The Polymer Technology Programme was changed to the Polymer Engineering Programme and was located under the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering. The Quality Control & Instrumentation Programme was renamed as the Mechatronic Engineering Programme and located under the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

During the 2002/2003 academic session, the Wood, Paper and Coatings Technology Programme was renamed as the Bioresource, Paper and Coatings Technology Programme. Bioprocess Technology Programme is the latest addition to the existing three Programmes in the School beginning form 2008/2009 academic session.

UPNM System

Integrated Development Of An Information System Project Nasional Defence University's Information Malaysia (SMU-UPNM) have began to be implemented on Pintar UUM-UPNM partnership concept from September 2007. In this project, UPNM party desire to carry university integrated development of an information system or in short SMU-UPNM as both party beginning UUM and UPNM foster other collaboration that tighter in academic activity. UUM-UPNM party agree to develop SMU-UPNM which contains systems following:

i.) Sistem Akadmik Pelajar (SAP)                                   
ii.) Sistem maklumat personal (SMP)
iii.) Sistem Portal Universiti (Mycampus)
iv.) Penghantaran Data KPT
v.) Smartcard System

UUM agreed to help UPNM develop application system entailment and modify the application for UPNM use.
That system shall be exercised by UPNM and used as basis to extend function and the role in supporting UPNM activity further. UPNM party would take steps to protect copyright software that supplied by UUM through spirit of intelligent partnership.


-Launched administration duties by keep staff information and student with faster, right and safe.
-Reduce consumer work load with way accelerate staff information access and student at anytime.
-Provide report quickly and right to users.
-Supply student information and staff to other systems to back consumer parties information requirement.

Tuesday 9 August 2011


PUTRAJAYA, 19 April. -Dato’ Seri NajibTun Razak today announced 23 ecosystem and wealth creation initiatives which will attract billions of ringgit in investment from the nation’s intellectual wealth.

He also witnessed the strategic alliance signing between the respective partners and Unit InovasiKhas (UNIK), which comes under the purview of Prime Minister’s Office to commercialise the ventures and reiterated that innovation is an integral component of the Government’s aim and objectives in laying the foundation for Malaysia, 2021 and beyond.

UNIK is a one-stop centre to formulate policies and strategies aimed at creating a conducive ecosystem to propel development and innovation in Malaysia.

Eight projects that originated from research at public universities provided a glimpse of the expertise that lies among Malaysian scientists and more “gems” are expected to be discovered and commercialised.
The innovation eco-system projects launched would create the environment for innovation to thrive and prosper, benefitting sectors such as education, higher education, industry and entrepreneurship.

The projects have been divided into three categories-New Wealth Creation, Intellectual Property from Universities & Public Research Institutes and Eco-System Initiatives.
Under the New wealth Creation segment there is one Strategic Impact Project which is the Oil Palm Biomass roadmap to Malaysia and four Ground-Up projects – electricity from every window, energy dashboard for energy management for the future, enabling small business to go cash- less and cutting edge technology for the LED industry. The global market for this sector is estimated to be US$472 billion (RM1.46 trillion).
Initiatives and collaborations with Universities and Public Research Institutes includes project from The Wireless Communication Centre (WCC), UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (UTM) called an Innovative, compact and elegant Flat Antenna to replace bulky and inefficient parabolic antennas.
The improved performance characteristics include: High gain and efficiency; Low profile, compact and elegant construction design flush against roof or wall; and suitable for satellite and ground based communications. Its applications include: a more efficient receiver for satellite signals; rural or scattered internet and wireless telephony; and long distance data, voice and video communication.
The flat antenna has been installed and demonstrated successfully on UTM’s campus with a complete monitoring system. With the assistance of Innovation and Commercialisation Centre (ICC) UTM, the flat antenna has been successfully commercialised on several locations which includes: SIRIM Bhd., UPM-MTDC. UKM-MTDC and UTM-MTDC. The global market value is estimated to be US$ 13 billion (RM 39 billion).

The others are Carbon Fibre Products by SIRIM; Painticide, developed by the Institute of Medical Research; polymerase Chain Reaction by USM; Pelvic Binder by UKM; NaturalMedicine for Cervical Cancer from UPM and Quick Diagnostic Kit for Denque from UM. The global market for the ventures initiated by universities and public research institute is  said to amount to US$101 billion (RM316 billion) globally.

Under the Eco-System is a project undertaken by the Malaysian Productivity Corporation (MPC) and UNIK to match the needs of large private companies with existing capabilities and facilities in Malaysia. 

R&Ds were conducted by five public universities and two research institutions, namely UniversitiSains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Malaya (UM), UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (UTM), Sirim and Institute for Medical Research (IMR).A total of 1,100 R&D findings were submitted by the universities to UNIK , but after much analysis and shortlisting processes, only 113 were identified and 18 technologies from UTM to have high potential to be commercialised
The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak visiting UTM exhibtion booth.

Going The Distance On Cooking Oil

By Syed Umar Ariff


JOHOR BAHRU: Have cooking oil will travel.
At least, that is what 65 students from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Indonesia's Universitas Tanjungpura are trying to prove on a 6,500km journey from Singapore to Laos which began on Sunday.

Yesterday, a convoy of two buses and two pick-up trucks -- fuelled with biodiesel mainly produced from used cooking oil -- was flagged off from UTM after departing from Changi Airport, Singapore.

This is UTM's third bio-diesel expedition since 2009. Previously, palm oil-based biodiesel was used for the vehicles. The university's selling point; the engines of these vehicles are not modified in any way to run on the fuel.

UTM Vice-Chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Zaini Ujang said the students would gauge the efficiency of the fuel during the 15-day trip across Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Laos.

"The students will also help promote environmental awareness and study the effects of carbon emission using biodiesel," Zaini said at a press conference.

The students will also learn about the process and cost of manufacturing biodiesel from used cooking oil at a plant in Hatyai, Thailand.

"One of our objectives is to learn about biodiesel plants. The cost to set up one is around RM100 million. Tonight (last night), the convoy is expected to take a break in Berseri, Perlis before entering Thailand."

The convoy's adviser, UTM chemical engineering faculty's Associate Prof Dr Firdausi Razali said apart from researching the feasibility of cooking oil as a biofuel, the programme was also aimed at educating the public on recycling cooking oil.

"Not many people know that cooking oil can be recycled into something useful like biofuel. Most food-stall operators usually throw away the oil or sell them to be recycled into cooking oil again," said Firdausi.

And, of course, cooking oil, as a biofuel, is expected to be cheaper than palm oil -- another factor that they would look into, he added.

Vice-Chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Zaini Ujang flagging off the convoy at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Skudai yesterday


Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato’ Dr Zaini Ujang said, the company has agreed to use the research products developed by the UTM researchers who have acquired intellectual property rights.
According to him, the products will be used to restore polluted water catchment areas, absorb heavy metals using natural compounds from plants, use of membranes to filter water and water purification products.
"Four research products produced by the UTM researchers which will be used by CCMC have intellectual property in the form of patents.”

"Collaboration between UTM and CCMC is a smart partnership that will provide benefits and create great impact to the chemical industry in Malaysia," he said at a Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony in UTM today.
The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Dr Zaini who represents UTM and CCMC by its Executive Director, Amirul Feisal Wan Zahir at UTM campus in Johor Bahru, 29 March 2011.

Zaini said, CCMC is a leading company in the chemical-based industries in the country and is listed on Bursa Malaysia. The company has expanded its business in the field of water treatment and polymer for the production of latex gloves.

"The collaboration provides an opportunity for both sides to implement staff exchange and research programs as well as the use of laboratory facilities," he said.
He said, as of today, UTM has produced 2,024 intellectual property and become the largest producer of intellectual property in the country.
"This agreement enables UTM researchers to gain valuable experience because CCMC is a leading chemical industry in Malaysia which has been operating for more than 70 years," he said.
Meanwhile, Amirul Feisal said, science and technology development is necessary to produce new products that are not yet available in the market to enhance the international and domestic market.

"Research and development is crucial to produce products that are not yet available in the market and we chose UTM because they have the technology, expertise and products needed by the company," he said.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and CCM Chemicals Sdn Bhd (CCMC) will collaborate to develop new technologies and products.

Kuliyyah Of ICT

The Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology (KICT) was established in November 2001. From that moment, KICT has made necessary moves to realize its vision, which is to produce knowledge workers equipped with ICT skills and knowledge ('Ilm) and the Consciousness of God (Taqwa).

This Kulliyyah is the combination of the Department of Information Systems, Department of Computer Sciences  and Department of Library and Information Science. All programmes in the Kulliyyah are designed for integration of Islamic knowledge and ICT.
The Kulliyyah has the mission to promote collaboration with other universities and industries, both nationally and internationally, in teaching, learning, research and consultancy, to establish a center of excellence for each department in KICT, and to advance research and development in creating value-based information system.

KICT also aspires to initiate and develop more rigorous programmes in the area of information and communication technology. It places a great emphasis on providing excellent programmes and teaching resources in order to enhance the quality of learning and research. It is expected that students will find a unique set of opportunities available to study for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

Optimizing and Empowering Online Education

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) has succesfully organized the 1st International Conference of e-Learning in December 2007. In continuation with that success, the 2nd edition was hosted by UiTM with the inclusion and cooperation of MEIPTA and AKEPT as joint organizers, in December 2009. As part of a tradition in every two years, this time UiTM decides to bring the 3rd International Conference on e-Learning to a higher level by organizing the conference with joint venture of the Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organization Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia and Higher Education Leadership Academy (AKEPT), in cooperation of Malaysia Higher Education Institutions e-Learning Council (MEIPTA), Malaysia
This 3rd Conference will aim more on future scope of discussion and sharing new solution towards sustainability of e-learning. We believe future learning should be more electronic, more mobile and more compatible while focusing on the sustainability of the e-learning factors. As a result of the conference, good papers will be published in the journal of e-learning, published by a chosen University Press.


  1. As a sharing platform for e-Learning and m-Learning best practices among world’s scholars and professionals
  2. As a platform for research and development of e-learning and m-learning best practices discussion
  3. As part of efforts to achieve high quality learning services in Malaysia and Indonesia
  4. As part of effors to provide the best e-learning or m-learning best practices solutions for all Malaysian and Indonesian universities.

Monday 8 August 2011

Maybankard Secure Online Shopping (MSOS)



MSOS (Maybankard Secure Online Shopping) is a feature which gives an extra level of protection and security for online shopping via the MSOS Code. It provides merchants with the ability to request an online verification of the cardmembers before they can proceed with the payment.

Introducing MSOS Code which uses One-Time-Password (OTP) for Online Transaction which is an extension of VBV/ MasterCard SecureCode, 3D-Secure solution which is fully adaptable to the 3D-Secure architecture & protocol defined by VISA / MasterCard. This new enhances security feature takes advantage of mobile communication by sending the MSOS Code to your registered mobile number with Maybank. You will be required to enter the MSOS Code online to complete the transaction.

Benefits of MSOS
  • Safer transaction via MSOS Code to go with your credit card details when shopping online
  • Free service
  • Easy, immediate activation with your mobile number updated
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Thursday 4 August 2011

UEM Group participates in GLC Open Day 2011

UEM Group Berhad joined other Government-Linked Companies (GLCs) and Government-Linked Investment Companies (GLICs) to participate in the GLC Open Day 2011 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from 24 to 26 June 2011, with the aim to showcase the Group’s achievements and progress to the Rakyat.

Themed “Nation-Building, Touching Lives”, the event is the first of its kind to communicate with the Rakyat and inform them on the mandate and contributions of GLCs and GLICs to the nation’s economy.
In addition, the event also highlighted programmes and initiatives undertaken by these companies for the benefit of the Rakyat and the nation.

During the event, UEM Group at its booth showcased its expertise in four core businesses – Expressways; Township & Property Development; Engineering & Construction; and Asset & Facility Management as well as its initiatives and programmes in Corporate Responsibility and human capital development namely Kolej Yayasan UEM and Yayasan UEM.

The Group also displayed Projek Lebuhraya Penyelenggaraan Berhad’s (Propel’s) robotic flagman BOB or Boneka Operator Bendera, model of Sunrise Berhad’s six-star condominium 28 Mont’ Kiara and Symphony Hills, 1Malaysia product PLUSMiles and MUFORS as well as cement from Cement Industries of Malaysia Berhad.

The Group also participated in a showcase of five clusters including: 
  • Cluster 1: Product Innovation - PLUSMiles Card, Respect Your Limits and Nusajaya Residential Opportunities
  • Cluster 2: Business Partnership – PLUS Expressways Berhad’s Mentor-Mentee Programme
  • Cluster 3: Business Partnership - Faber Group Berhad’s Vendor Development Programme
  •  Cluster 4: Developing Human Capital
  • Cluster 5: Economic Transformation Programme - Nusajaya township and Faber Group Berhad’s Energy Performance Management Systems

News & EventsBest Selling SAGA Now Even Better - New Proton SAGA FLX 1.3L To Provide Greater Fuel Efficiency With CVT

Date : 26.07.2011

SUBANG JAYA, 26 July 2011 – PROTON Holdings Berhad launched the new Proton Saga FLX 1.3L today; a new model enhancement to its Proton Saga model, which provides consumers with greater savings on fuel consumption and smoother drive with the use of Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) technology

The Proton Saga is the best selling model in Malaysia from January to June 2011, contributing towards making PROTON the overall market leader in Malaysia in the first half of 2011.

Since its introduction, the new generation Proton Saga has been well received by the public, winning Frost & Sullivan’s Best Model of the Year 2009, Best Passenger Car of the Year 2010 and recently, Best People’s Car Award – the main award at the Asian Auto – Auto Industry Awards 2011. The car boasts an outstanding sales record, with over 250,000 units registered and over 300,000 units booked since its launch in January 2008 until June 2011.

Now, with the new Saga FLX 1.3L, the best selling model got even better. Following PROTON’s earlier announcement in June declaring the successful development and integration of the CVT technology with its CamPro engine, the automatic variant of the new Saga FLX 1.3L utilizes the CVT, as opposed to the conventional Automatic Transmission (AT) gear.

“The new Proton Saga FLX is the product of PROTON’s continued commitment towards providing better performing cars to our consumers. This is yet another milestone in our quest to continuously improve our range of products to cater to the needs of today’s market,” said Dato' Sri Haji Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir, Group Managing Director of PROTON Holdings Berhad.

“Because of the lighter built of the engine, along with the ‘stepless’ gear transition that the CVT provides, the Saga FLX delivers a fuel consumption drop of four percent in an urban driving environment, with consumption dropping up to 10 percent when driven on highways,” said Dato’ Sri Haji Syed Zainal. He added that this transmission change improves the drivability and responsiveness of the car without compromising its power.

“The utilisation of CVT technology has a far reaching impact to the consumer. Other than the fuel saving, the smoothness and reliability that CVT provides allows the engine to run at an optimum level, thus resulting in less engine fatigue and improving its long term durability.”

The Proton Saga FLX 1.3L Executive variant comes with a list of added features, notably driver and passenger air-bags along with Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) and Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD).

“It is PROTON’s intention to provide not only an affordable car to consumers, but also one that possess the technological advancements and safety features that our customers will appreciate,” Dato’ Sri Haji Syed Zainal expressed. “We are committed to providing our consumers with better driving satisfaction and safety confidence.”

The Proton Saga FLX is available in a new colour - Elegant Brown, in addition to the existing options of Tranquility Black, Genetic Silver, Solid White and Blue Rock. It is priced between RM 38,598 and RM 44,998 and is now available for bookings and can be viewed at all Proton showrooms nationwide.

The Best Kept e-secret At JPJ

By Faizolhardi Zubairy 
Published 20 January 2008


Source: The Star
By: Teh Eng Hock

PETALING JAYA: Few drivers realise that they can renew their driving licences online without having to leave the comfort of their homes.  

And for a small fee, they can even have their licence renewal slip delivered to them by registered mail or courier. 

With few knowing about the facility available on the Road Transport Department's (JPJ) website since April last year, the response to the online renewal service has been poor. 

JPJ director-general Datuk Ahmad Mustapha Abdul Rashid said only 687 people renewed their licences online so far, way short of the 1,000-driver target expected in the first year of implementation. Every year, some seven million motorist renew their licences. 

“Maybe it is because it has not been promoted enough by the e-services (concessionaires). 

“But hopefully things will pick up. Malaysians are a bit sceptical at first (about new technology), but later on they will accept and use it, like on-line banking,” he told The Star. 

He also added that there were 11 million Competent Driver’s Licence (CDL) holders in the country. 

Drivers' may renew their CDL by accessing the JPJ website at, and clicking on the CDL Renewal Online link.  

Applicants need to provide the usual personal particulars, such as their MyKad number, licence expiry date and their mobile phone number. 

Via the online form, they can choose to renew their licences from one to five years, as well as decide on how they would like to collect and pay for the renewal slip. 

The fee remain the same – a renewal fee of RM30 per year and a processing fee of RM2. Drivers who want their licences delivered to them will be charged a small delivery fee between RM5 and RM10, depending on location. 

Those who do not want the renewal slip may head to any state JPJ branch to upload the renewal information into their MyKad. 

Applicants can also choose to collect their renewal slip from one of the many e-service centres in the country, which are operated by e-services concessionaires MyEG Services Bhd and mySPEED Sdn Bhd.

Payment can be made via credit card, or electronic online payment systems such as e-cash and e-debit. 
Ahmad Mustapha assured users that the system was secure and reliable. 

“So far, I haven’t heard anything about the system going down. And it is safe to provide your financial details. There have been no complaints,” he said. 

By renewing their licences online, drivers will no longer have to worry about forgetting to renew their licences in future, as the system will send a reminder via SMS to the mobile phone number provided

Positive Outlook For Local ICT industry

By Dalilah Ibrahim  
Published 15 March 2008

CYBERJAYA, March 15, 2008: The growth of the local ICT industry will remain strong in view of enormous opportunities it presents and the country’s active participation in the ICT’s global front, said Multimedia Development Corporation’s CEO Dato’ Badlisham Ghazali.
Commenting on the impact of the election on the industry, Badlisham said the outlook remains positive as global demand for ICT product and services will continue to thrive regardless of political trends.

“We should be grateful that our forefathers have left a healthy democratic system that allows its people to enjoy the freedom of exercising their rights in electing the Government.
“More importantly, we are able to show the world that we live in a mature society and the country remains in a stable and harmonious state despite the various shows in the election results,” he said in a statement here today.

Badlisham highlighted that on May 18 to 22, Kuala Lumpur will play host to the 16th World Congress of ICT with 14 related events that will attract the world to Malaysia and further boost Malaysia’s position as an ideal investment hub.

“This sits well with the nation's ICT development as knowledge will remain as an important ingredient for the country’s future. It also augurs well with the MSC Malaysia's vision for a knowledge society where everybody should have equal access to IT infrastructure and the conveniences that come with it.
He said among the related events include Mobile Monday Global Summit and the United Nations Global Alliance on ICT and Development (UN-GAID) that will attract key industry visionaries, developers and influential individuals. It also allows Malaysian ICT companies to showcase their solutions to the world, hence increasing export potential.

WCIT 2008 is more than just an event, this marks a milestone in Malaysia’s capability as an ICT hub for the region and apart from attracting the who’s who in the world’s ICT industry, WCIT 2008 will also create a high impact on the country’s economy for other industries especially tourism and retail in view of the flood of foreign delegates that will be attending the congress and its related events,” said Badlisham.
Badlisham said with 42,000 expo visitors, 2,500 delegates and 100 speakers from 80 countries, local ICT companies should take advantage of WCIT 2008 to showcase their products to the world and for Malaysians in general to lend its full support for the event, which will benefit for the country’s economy and the positive development of the ICT industry.

 On Malaysia’s potential, Badlisham said Malaysia is still favoured upon as the outsourcing and offshoring location for the region in view of its excellent infrastructure, ready pool of talents, sound IT policies and cost effectiveness.
He said Malaysia ranks third as the world’s most favourite location for outsourcing and offshoring activities in industry studies by a number of consultancy firms, including AT Kearney and Frost and Sullivans, and this clearly demonstrates Malaysia’s capabilities in providing world-class solutions and services.
He added that with over 2,000 MSC Malaysia-status companies generating revenue of RM13 billion and RM5 billion in exports last year, the ICT industry is taking its place as the backbone of the country's economy.

Badlisham said the positive trend of local companies venturing into the global market is inline with the increasing role of ICT in providing the strength in innovation that cuts across all sectors.  This, he added, will also ensure the continuous growth in the software development and digital content industry.

“As the guardian of MSC Malaysia, MDeC we will continue to serve the people and ensure that they continue to benefit from the Government's initiatives,” he said.

 “Malaysia is very adaptable to change and the country will only grow from strength to strength,” he added.