Friday 29 July 2011

Understanding Virus On Computer

Author : Husimun


Surely you are not familiar with that name rather than the virus? understanding virus on computer is very important. difference type of viruses must handles with difference ways  Virus here does not mean the virus that causes a disease in humans or other living creatures. Viruses which will be discussed is about computer viruses.

Understanding virus in computer is a program that someone made ​​that are destructive and can infect files that exist on our computer. A computer virus is a program that duplicate or replicate by inserting a copy or copies of itself into the storage media / documents and into the network secretly without the knowledge that computer users. The effects of computer viruses are very diverse ranging from only appear strange messages to damage the computer and delete files on the computer.

This is very important to avoid computer viruses
Computer development could increase knowledge to help more understanding about computer viruses. Like biological viruses, computer viruses contained in the instruction code that can make a perfect copy of the same with the original. When the infected computer related with the software and is not infected, the virus enters the copy of the new program. Infection can spread from one computer to another via the disk used by the user, or send programs via the network.

In a network environment, the ability to access applications and other computer services is a facility for distributing the virus.

A virus on computers in general could damage the software or computer software and does not directly damage the computer hardware, computer viruses can damage hardware of a computer how to load the program on a computer to force the process over to a specific device such as VGA, Memory, hardisc or was even Procesor. Reading computer tutorial to avoid computer viruses is very important to us, so we could understand about computer virus.

Bad influence from most major computer virus is a virus that always reproduce themselves, which can create resources on a computer, for example on memory usage, to be reduced. Nearly ninety-five percent of the virus is attacking on Windows-based operating system. The rest, namely two per cent virus attacks on Linux / GNU with the kernel version below 1.4 (and Unix, as the source of Linux, of course), one percent against the Mac, especially the Mac OS 9, Mac OS X (Tiger, Leopard). two percent more attacking other operating systems like FreeBSD, OS / 2 IBM, and Sun Operating System.

How to Overcome Computer Hang?



Computer hang is very disturbing, how to overcome computer hang is one of the wanted technique. Almost every computer user has experienced computer suddenly hangs, the computer seemed a long time in the process, often not responding or the computer is likely your computer is experiencing shortness of breath or a high stress level that makes the process of data within the computer running so slow. In this computer tutorial will dicussed how to overcome computer hang.  this compute more severe it sometimes hangs the computer if the level of burden on computer too much.

How to Overcome Computer Hang, are as follows:
  • Reset the computer by running the task manager (press ctrl + alt + del at the same time) after a task manager please turn off programs that are running by pressing the end of the program. You will be faced with the choice of whether you will wait for the program is completed or directly off now. Please select end now, after that click on dont send error report, then your computer will immediately refresh

  • Using cleaner software utilities. Many software developers who provide programs to clean your computer from a lot of useless junk. For example Glary Utilities, software is fairly easy to use because with just one click you can clean up garbage in the system, all partitions, even this software can clean up trash when we are browsing on the internet (eg internet explorer and mozilla).

  • Use Antivirus, there is a possibility your computer a virus if you feel the weirdness in running the program (the program is not normal, frequent automatic restarts, the process stops suddenly, or run programs without your instructions.) If you experience something like this you can use the antivirus as a settlement. Many are providing both free antivirus or paid. Please choose according to your abilities.

  • Restart manually. If you are not able to perform the above steps or the steps above still do not make your computer stay Fress you can make this step as a final cure is to reset the computer manually. Please press the reset button on the cpu or notebook you (try this step is done after all means do the same as manual reset by turning off the program by force).

Thursday 28 July 2011

Investigators Replicate Nokia 1100 Online Banking Hack

UNESCO launches ICT in Education Indicators for Arab States Project in Jordan

Jordan: Monday, July 18 - 2011


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) chose Jordan to launch the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education Indicators for Arab States pilot project in cooperation with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org).

TAG-Org's Chairman Senator Talal Abu-Ghazaleh told Petra that the project aims at building capacity in Arab states by strengthening national capabilities to define ICT in education indicators for measuring the use and impact of applying ICTs in education, as well as managing the ICT in education policy development and implementation cycle.

He added that Jordan was chosen after a two-day Policy Developers meeting held recently in Amman with the participation of government representatives from seven Arab states in the Middle East and the Gulf including Jordan, Bahrain, Egypt
, Oman, the Palestinian Authority, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates as well as UNESCO experts.The Amman meeting identified a series of top national issues with regards to ICT in Education, with a common primary concern of the ICT infrastructure of the educational systems.

The meeting recommended a timeframe for the ICT in Education Indicators for Arab States project, including the collection of national ICT in Education statistics and the peer evaluation of this data before publishing the final results.

Malaysia Slips Down ICT Competitiveness Ranking

By Lee Wei Lian
April 13, 2011


KUALA LUMPUR, April 13 — Malaysia slid from 27th to 28th in the 2010-2011 Global Information Technology report released yesterday after it was bumped down by Qatar which jumped 5 spots from 30th to 25th.
Malaysia’s placing this year is equal to its ranking in 2008-2009 and worse than the 26th ranking achieved in 2006-2007 and 2007-2008.
Sweden and Singapore retained their first and second placing respectively atop the rankings with Finland, Switzerland and the United States rounding out the top 5.
The Global Information Technology report ( is an annual publication prepared by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and INSEAD which assesses the impact of ICT on the development and competitiveness of 138 economies worldwide.
The WEF said that this year’s report confirmed the leadership of the Nordic countries and the Asian Tiger economies in adopting and implementing ICT advances for increased growth and development.
It noted that Sweden, Denmark (7th) and Norway (9th) are all are in the top 10, except for Iceland, which is ranked 16th.
Singapore meanwhile led the Asian Tiger economies with Taiwan and Korea improving five places to 6th and 10th respectively, and Hong Kong SAR following closely at 12th.
A look at the sub-rankings show that Malaysia was helped by government readiness (11th) but hurt by the infrastructure environment (51st) and individual usage (45th).
It was also ranked 42nd for international internet bandwidth and 59th in terms of broadband subscribers.
The ICT rankings come after Malaysia dropped two spots in the WEF competitiveness index last year, coming in 26th out of 132 countries and marking the second year in a row Malaysia has dropped in the rankings after falling from 21st to 24th spot in 2009.
The WEF rankings in coming years however are expected to show how effective are the Najib administration reforms such as the New Economic Model, the Government Transformation Programme and the Economic Transformation Programme, all of which were launched between January and December last year

Computer gamers participate in "CyberFusion 2009" in Cyberjaya outside Kuala Lumpur April 11, 2009. — Reuters pic

Friday 8 July 2011

Putrajaya’s Tunnel Vision On ICT

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 15 — Budget 2011 has just been tabled: What does it offer our local information and communications technology (ICT) sector?

What is glaring in the Budget is not what it offers (very little) but what it lacks — decisive measures to grow our local talent in the sector and build our supposed K-economy.
In a statement earlier in the day, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) CEO Datuk Badlisham Ghazali highlighted the industry’s own wish-list for the budget:

    •    Tax or fiscal incentives for the private sector to embrace new technologies such as  
          green/sustainable technology
    •    Public-private partnership investments
    •    Spending to strengthen the current ICT human capital pool
    •    Incentives to increase ICT adoption by SMEs

What did the sector receive?
All mobile phones are no longer subject to a 10 per cent sales tax.
Broadband equipment will continue to be exempt from tax and duties until 2012.
There were also plenty of incentives to encourage the take-up of green technologies and reduction of duties for hybrid cars.
On the funding side, a RM100 million Malaysian Technology Development fund will be set up to provide soft loans to qualified applicants. Though seemingly generous, it is a paltry sum compared to the RM3 billion that will be invested in an eco-resort in Sabah. 
Yet the body in charge of managing the fund doesn’t see it that way.

CEO of Cradle Fund, Nazrin Hassan said, “We see the government’s plans to encourage a healthy angel investment community as a clear indication to reduce the dependence on grant funding.” Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak spoke at length during his speech about the government’s efforts to bring in venture capitalists and angel investors to engage the local sector.

Content is king
The budget also allocates money through training — MDec is being given an allocation of RM50 million to train graduates in ICT.
Datuk Abdul Wahab Abdullah, president and chief executive of Mimos, said such measures would “ensure an adequate supply of domain experts for the country” and was a step in the right direction to ensure Malaysia has a pool of experts with the right skills.
A further RM119 million will be given to the Multimedia Development Corridor, to “encourage the development of local content creation”. But what of the other ICT sectors? What about developers, systems integrators or hardware manufacturers?

Yusseri Md Yusoff, CEO of open source solutions company Omnilogic, said that the government’s focus on multimedia was likely because “it’s a more visible success story.” Multimedia content, he said, was far easier to promote and the sector’s strides made far more waves locally than say, software developers.
Another oft-neglected area was the talent already existent in the country. Most skilled, technical people in ICT often prefer the freedom and better remuneration of independent consulting. 

“Let’s put it this way, “ said independent consultant Dinesh Nair, “in four years, a technical person would earn less than half what someone working in sales would earn in the same firm.”
Malaysian companies, he noted, also tend to provide few incentives salary-wise for these skilled professionals to take up full-time work
Dinesh said that instead of the proposed Talent Corp, more effort should be made to retain local talent.
“The ones who left, they left. What the government needs to do is acknowledge the talent that is already here,” he said.

Earlier, Najib said “We are not dreamers. We are realists.”
The reality is that ICT is not and should not be limited to the local content industry. A K-economy requires knowledge workers of all specialisations and rather than attempt to woo back those lost to us, perhaps it is time the government see the resources it does have.
Should the government fail to acknowledge the hidden wealth of talent in ICT, it is doomed to keep losing its best and brightest.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Free Wi-Fi for Malaysian island proposed

BY Pia Rufino , 10 June 2011


  • Parliament Member Datuk Yussof Mahal has proposed to bring wireless-Internet to the entire Labuan, an island off Sabah’s coast in Malaysia.
  • Yussof said the government will focus on setting up free Wi-Fi zones at all mosques in Labuan within two years. Layang-Layangan is the first mosque to have the Wi-Fi coverage.
  • “The cost to set up the free Wi-Fi zone for the whole of Labuan island is not that big considering that the island is small (75 square kilometres) and I hope this matter would be considered,” he said.
  • Yussof is yet to bring the proposal up to the Ministry of Information, Communication and Culture in Parliament. The free Wi-Fi to the whole island, if approved, might be carried out gradually starting from Labuan town, he added.
  • “This year, we have identified two villages—Kg Lajau and Kg Layang-Layangan—to have free Wi-Fi access,” he said after giving away 450 1Malaysia notebooks to students at the Labuan Corporation Multi-Purpose Hall.
  • He also said the government will deploy 1,000 additional laptops as part of 1Malaysia programme.
  • Meanwhile, one of the student beneficiaries, Muhd Faiq Jamal, said he was happy and determined to work hard in his studies after receiving a laptop.
  • “It is like a dream come true for me to receive the laptop as I used to do my school assignments at cyber cafes and at the library before,” he expressed.